14 Ways To Make Money From A WordPress Blog

 I'll walk you through 14 different ways to monetize a WordPress blog in this post!

14 Ways To Make Money From A WordPress Blog

Despite the fact that there are millions of blogs on the internet, the vast majority of them only generate enough revenue to be considered part-time, if not full-time.

The quantity of blogs that are available is increasing annually. However, millions of blogs will also be abandoned each year and allowed to progressively vanish from the internet.

As to an article on bloggingthing.com titled "45-Minute Blogging Statistics," 81% of bloggers never even earn $100 on their site! It is a rather depressing figure. Make sure that's not you!

That data should be regarded cautiously, though, as it is based on a poll of 1,000 bloggers that was done in 2012. Certainly, the statistic is no longer accurate.

Because there is so much more information available, I assume that many more bloggers are making money from their blogs these days. However, as far as I'm aware, no such survey has been carried out (please get in contact if you have any knowledge about this!)

It's also important to keep in mind that most people that start blogs aren't really all that committed to it.

Back when blogging was still in its infancy, I attempted to start a few blogs, but each time I became bored and quit up.

However, this was before I knew that blogging could be a source of income. I occasionally reflect on the past and ask myself, "What if I had just persisted through it all back then?"

However, even if you are aware that you may profit from your blog, maintaining a blog requires a lot of commitment, drive, and self-control. You also need to overcome self-doubt and other hurdles.

Sometimes, most people aren't motivated to keep going even when they think their blog COULD earn them money. In addition, people are frequently stopped by a technological barrier or some other kind of knowledge barrier.

Perhaps WordPress is too complicated for us to set up, which keeps us from even trying. Perhaps we don't even investigate SEO because the idea is simply too frightening. Perhaps it's just that we get nervous about perhaps reaching thousands of individuals.

Numerous factors can be intimidating, particularly in light of the abundance of contradicting information available online. Furthermore, a lot of people are reluctant to commit to programs or courses since they aren't sure if they will be worthwhile.

 It seems sense that many people struggle to produce money in light of all these possible obstacles.

Thus, I'm going to investigate legitimate ways that a WordPress website or blog might generate income today. Maybe it will motivate you to set up that WordPress blog at last.

If you already run a blog on WordPress, then Perhaps there are more revenue streams for it that you were unaware of.

Why WordPress, then?

 Here's why I only use WordPress on all of my websites:

WordPress is incredibly easy to install and set up, even for someone like myself who has no technical experience.
Additionally, you have access to hundreds of possible plugins and themes that let you personalize it in countless ways. You can install a plethora of free and premium themes with just a few clicks.

WordPress should be available on most hosting platforms, and installation instructions should be simple.
It's simple to locate support if you need it, and there are a ton of online tutorials available for WordPress. If you want to tweak your theme yourself, you can also find assistance and instructions readily available. A WordPress novice is

Did I mention that it's simple? It is so user-friendly that even a tiny child could create their own Wordpress website.

Although you can begin using a free theme, I would advise you to buy a premium theme right away and avoid waiting as long as I did.

They have a considerably more polished appearance, a ton more functionality, more room for you to add your own unique touches, more updates, and significantly more support available.

Additionally, if you're using a popular theme, you can frequently find ways to customize your premium themes online through channels like YouTube.

For all of my websites, I personally utilize the Genesis framework; here are three easy-to-use Genesis themes.

Finally, even if you can begin with a free WordPress theme, I strongly advise that you obtain your own domain fairly soon, if not right away.

In the end, you want total ownership and management over your own website and all of its content.

Now, without further ado, let's begin this list!

1. Affiliate Marketing: Among the most popular methods of generating revenue from a website or blog is affiliate marketing.

By adding unique affiliate tracking links into your material, you can advertise goods and services associated with the affiliate program once you sign up for it.

You will receive a commission if someone clicks on your link and purchases something from the other website. As always, make sure to review the terms and conditions of the affiliate program as your earnings may vary greatly.

Easy-to-use plugins in certain affiliate networks can even convert all of your regular links into affiliate links for you! This implies that all you need to do for the plugin to change your links is to include ordinary links in your post.

For this page, I manually enter all of my affiliate links; but, on a another website where I employ numerous affiliate programs on the AWIN affiliate network, they have a convert-a-link plugin that makes life a lot simpler.

I advise newcomers to join the Amazon affiliate program as it's a very user-friendly platform and the firm is so well-known that customers have no trouble trusting it and making purchases from it.

 It's far more difficult to direct individuals to unfamiliar websites or products, so before they are likely to make a purchase from you, you must establish a rapport with them and earn their confidence.
Creating an email list is one method to gradually increase trust.

2. Putting Advertisements on Your Website:

Adsense by Google:
Installing display advertising on your website is a well-liked method of generating income from it. For example, Google Adsense.

This is where you may add advertising on your website, and each time someone clicks on one, you will receive a commission.

With the addition of an automatic ad feature, Google Adsense has also made it much simpler. Previously, you had to enter all the ads yourself ; using HTML code they provided

This made it a laborious procedure, particularly if you had to review hundreds of previous posts.

You can find instructions on how to set up Google auto ads here. It is quite easy to set up auto advertisements.

Regretfully, there is definitely room for improvement. I chose to include it on one of my websites, and they put SIX ADS on a piece that was just about 1000 words long!

This seems like way too much, and it would be difficult for anyone trying to read it. It simply appeared disorienting, and every advertisement seemed to be the same.

Worse, while I had this setup, I saw a continuous reduction in my affiliate commissions. I concluded that it just wasn’t worth it for the amount I was making and took them down.

In any event, a lot of people will tell you that if you're just starting out, adsense is an excellent method to generate money. This is something I wholeheartedly disagree with, unless you're content to make pennies a week.

To earn a respectable amount of money with Google Adsense, you must have a lot of traffic. For novices, affiliate marketing is a far better option to generate income because it doesn't require a lot of traffic to generate your first transaction.

That won't pay much at first either, but at least it's better than Google Adsense.

Other Ad Networks: Although Google Adsense is among the most well-known, there are other ad networks that are available, and some of them pay significantly more as well.

However, having greater traffic is also necessary for the networks that pay more.

Monumetric requires at least 10,000 page visits per month. If your monthly page views are less than 80,000, you must pay a $99 setup cost; otherwise, it is free. Membership in their create a blog network training is also included in the cost.

A minimum of 25,000 sessions must be completed each month according to Mediavine (not to be confused with page views).

3. Sponsored Posts/Reviews: Writing sponsored posts is another popular technique for people to monetize their websites.

Companies may occasionally get in touch with you when you start receiving traffic and offer to pay you to post reviews of their goods or services.

However, you will have to put in some independent hustle if you wish to take advantage of more possibilities like this. You might even obtain a product trial so that you can write your review, depending on your niche.

This is where receiving some awesome freebies comes in as another benefit of blogging.

It's a good idea to draft a document detailing everything you have to offer before taking that step. As an illustration...

Your traffic data.
the size of your email list's subscribers.

demographics of your audience: what proportion of people are in the UK or the USA, for example?
Anything more that comes to mind to make you stand out from the throng!
After that, you can speak with businesses about the specifics of your sponsored post. It is imperative that you declare any sponsored content by acknowledging receipt of payment at the beginning of the post.

You could first struggle with this element if, like me, you detest the thought of reaching out to firms and promoting yourself.

However, keep in mind that the worst case scenario is that they say no. It's normal to experience rejection from time to time! Get back up and talk to someone else.

Some websites that can put you in contact with deals for paid sponsorship are as follows:

Sponsored Reviews (at this time, no longer accepting new bloggers)
Socialix Famebit
Pay Per Post on Webfluential

 4. A YouTube channel!
Although it might not seem like a no-brainer, YouTube can be a wonderful source of revenue on its own and a great way to generate traffic to your WordPress website.

Because so few individuals are willing to post videos on YouTube and so many others prefer not to appear on camera, YouTube is significantly less competitive than traditional blogging.

However, if you can get past it, YouTube is unquestionably worthwhile to use as an extra resource to increase traffic and revenue.

These days, YouTube is regarded a lot like a search engine, and users search it similarly to how they search Google.

If you can place your movie on the first page of search results using these keywords, of the results, you could potentially be bringing in thousands of more visitors to your site.

5. Sell Ebooks On Your Website: Since e-books are so much simpler to create and put up than, say, a whole course, they're a terrific digital product to start selling on your website.

Additionally, you might sell your eBook on other websites, including Amazon.com. Direct connections to your website are OK and an extra method to increase traffic to your blog. You can include links in your Amazon Ebooks, but they must be affiliate links.

6. Use Flippa to Sell Your Website:
Some people are unaware of the potential value of their website.

In certain situations, you might potentially make more than 24 times the monthly income. Thus, if your website is constantly bringing in $500 per month, you could be able to sell it for more than $12,000.

You may truly earn a good living from it if you can create a lot of profitable websites, and many individuals do just that.

Additionally, some individuals purchase WordPress websites that operate poorly. They make changes to the websites to make them profitable, after which they sell them.

Thus, maybe you might see a lot of promise in a website that only earns $20 a month. You purchase it and earn that money. up to $500 a month and sell it for a massive profit.

7. Selling Physical Goods: You may launch an online store, and fortunately, getting started has never been simpler.

You may easily sell goods on your website by using a tool like the Shopify buy button or the Woocommerce plugin.

With actual goods, on the other hand, you will be responsible for doing a large amount of the work yourself, including customer service, inventory purchases and management, and product shipping.

For this reason, I myself like affiliate marketing, or the selling of digital things, which takes a more laissez-faire attitude.

That being said, drop shipping is a substitute for both.

You might be able to sell tangible goods and outsource the packaging and delivery to a different company. This means you won’t even need to hold any of the stock yourself and it takes away a lot of the hassle of traditional direct selling.

8. Market An Online Course: After you've gathered some followers, you might think about making an online course.

An ebook could be easy to put together, but a course has much greater potential for profit because it can be sold for much more.

9. Market Services Online: You can set up a "hire me" page where prospective employers can contact you.

Writing, visual design, social media management, Word Press setup, modification, SEO, coaching, and so on might all fall under this category.

Regardless of your area of expertise, you could undoubtedly provide some kind of service.

However, you don't have to depend solely on others approaching you. You can get in touch with other websites or businesses directly if you own a website in a particular area and have something useful to give them.

One more fantastic benefit of owning a website is that, by simply sharing your URL, you can instantly show others what kind of skills you possess.
10. Create Your Own Digital Products: If you have no prior expertise, this will be a challenging alternative, but you can learn how to do it from online classes.

After that, you can either sell them directly from your website or through third-party websites like Clickbank or JVZoo, which also have the advantage of having a large number of affiliates looking for products to recommend.

Additionally, you can use your website as a platform to advertise your digital goods. You can include links to your sales page in your targeted articles that you publish about your digital product.

Additionally, you may create a pertinent email list of people who would be interested in buying both your goods and related products in the future!

11. Sell Ad Space: Having ads on your website is something we've already discussed. However, doing so puts you in direct contact with businesses who might be interested in placing an advertisement on a certain page of your website.

The amount of money you could make from this will depend on a number of variables, including the volume of traffic you receive, the demographics of your website's visitors, and the amount of money a corporation is willing to pay.

On the other hand, some websites will generate thousands of dollars each month from the sale of advertising space on them.
12. Email marketing: Creating an email list has already been discussed. However, for other websites, the bulk of their internet revenue comes from their email list!

You should provide some kind of incentive for people to join if you want to get the most sign-ups. It might be a plan, an ebook, or a short course. something from which your readers will gain knowledge.

After sending an email, you may establish a relationship with your reader by sending them a series of emails using an email autoresponder.

Convert Kit, AWEBER, and Mailchimp are a few well-liked services for this.

 13. Support Neighborhood Companies
Assisting local businesses in establishing their web presence is a lucrative online side gig for some people. Examine the firms in your town and make an effort to find out more about them.

A great deal of people don't even own a website. Many of them might, but they are unaware of SEO and how to get seen by search engines.

You may provide them with your expertise in building and maintaining an online website.

As an alternative, you may offer to write blog entries for them that are pertinent to their industry and rank those pieces highly in search engines to help their company become noticed.

It goes without saying that you'll require a website of your own, in addition to maybe constructing one.
This ought to show you how to make a respectable-looking website and rank content highly in Google. If you could provide evidence of the volume of traffic you're bringing in and the ways you could assist them in attracting clients, that would be helpful.

14. Request Donations
On certain websites, there is merely a small donation button. They might remark, "Add to my beer fund," or something like. or "Give me a coffee."

I've often wondered if these requests for money were truly successful.

For certain bloggers, they have proven to be highly effective, according to Ramsay of Blog Tyrant. But only under specific conditions, as the buttons are currently so abused that their overall efficacy is quite low.

I mean, surely the majority of people ignore these items or, in some situations, find their very existence annoying?

My recommendation would be... Because if you want something in return, it's much better to give something valuable. not merely request freebies.

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